Wednesday, May 2, 2007

LOI Received!

It's finally here! We were notified to make plans as our agency has received our LOI. Today we overnighted our visa applications and booked tickets to leave from New York on May 18th. I'll travel to Virginia to drop off JC on May 17th and then hook up with Tim at JFK on the 18th. We're flying Virgin Atlantic through London to Almaty, Kazakhstan. From Almaty, I believe we'll take a short flight to Astana and then a 15-hour overnight train to Arkalyk. Total, it will take almost four full days to journey to Arkalyk. All along we'd assumed we were going to the city of Kostanai. Instead, we're going to Arkalyk, a small city in the Kostanai region.

We have 2 weeks to buy gifts, pack and get "mentally prepared" to leave JC behind for about four weeks. My mind cannot even go there yet. However, he'll have a ball at Aunt Jill & Uncle E's Virginia home playing with cousin Ju-Ju and baby Laney. Mom will arrive at Jill's the beginning of June and then everyone will travel back to my parent's home. Jill will be in Missouri until the end of June. So, JC will spend about three weeks at the beach and then a week at the lake.... rough life!

Now that we have the LOI, the next hurdle is getting the documents and visas on time to actually leave on May 18th! Here's hoping!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bon Voyagie! We wish you smooth sailing through the process and a safe trip home, sooner than later.