We've been negligent in posting but busy getting Jacob adjusted to life in America. Tim did a fantastic job with Jacob in Kaz and on the long flights home. Speaking of flights, I was to meet Tim & Jacob in New York City and return home with them on their final flight. Guess whose flight was cancelled? Mine! So, instead, I joined the throngs on well-wishers at the airport last Saturday, July 28th, for Jacob & Tim's successful homecoming! What a sight! Friends, family, balloons and banners! There were many happy tears but Jacob only smiled and giggled.
First impression of Jacob at home.... that boy can walk! I can't believe it! When we left Kaz, only 51 days earlier, the little guy could barely take a few steps on his own. At the airport, he was steady and truckin' along! Wow! What a difference a few weeks make!
Jacob has settled in nicely and found his groove about 5 days after arriving. He's now sleeping all night long and napping once each day. The honeymoon period may be wearing off with big brother JC as he asked me yesterday "Can Jacob take that with him to Kazakhstan?". Guess JC's not figured out the little big guy is staying for good.
Everyone's asking, "Will you do it again"? Tim says it is up to me. We'll see..... For now, I feel so incredibly lucky to have two awesome boys to call my own.
Many, many thanks to everyone who supported us during this amazing journey! And, thank you God for the many blessings you've bestowed upon our family!
So glad to see all the happy faces. Looking forward to receiving your updates and suggestions. JAN1487jp
Sherri & Tim:
Congratulations, Jacob looks fabulous. My Matthew came home from Arkalyk at 28 months of age this May. My surprize was his talking - all the time. Enjoy your little guy. Oh, don't delay in getting him tested for intestinal parasites - very common and prevalent in the Baby Home. Matthew had them and it's fairly straightforward to get rid of them. But with other kids in the household you'll want to get him checked out soon.
Shelley with 4 kids from KZ
My husband and I are adopting from Kaz, and we have been inspired by your story. We would love to speak with you sometime because we have a zillion questions. I am writing this in the hope that you might still be monitoring this blog.
Thank you for posting in my blog. I just finished to read your journey. I was not able to access your blog until today, I am so happy I could read it. Congratulations from all my heart. Jacob is a wonderful boy. I am sure it was an wonderful experience. We cant wait to go to Arkalyk, I hope our LOI will come next week. All the best, Catalina
Hi! Unfortunately, the situation with orphans in Ukraine isn’t much better as in other developing countries. Often there is no funding for the most needed things. That’s why we are helping orphans here hopenowusa.org. You can also join us and provide some kid with better living conditions.
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